On the 19th we celebrated Kit's birthday true Italian style (as suggested). We drove into the Naples historic center and sampled some traditional, authentic Napoli pizza. Of course we both selected the margherita pizza.
Kit picked up a few tips from the Pizzaiolo aka 'the professional' who was more than happy to share his secrets - and he was pretty good too.
Blowing out the candles in our hosts' living room
Kit's birthplace is in the US so apparently
he is Italian American now :-) he says
"you want a favor?"
And of course we went out for dinner at the local Pizzeria. You can never have too much pizza!
Good to see the Neapolitans taking you both to their hearts. What a great cake! A real birthday surprise.
Yes we were very lucky- we think because; a) it is off season and b) we didn't stay anywhere too close to the coast or Naples, then everyone had time for us. We went into an electronics shop to try to fix our travel adapter and the old guy behind the counter spent about 10mins working on it, fixed it up literally better then new and then refused any money for it! It was one of our most memorable experiences and he didn't speak a word of English...
Everyone's been so nice. I think it really made Kit's birthday
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