Sunday, 19 January 2014

Pompeii - run for your lives!

Today we visited the ruined city of Pompeii. Getting there from our apartment in Sant'egidio del Monte Albino was quite a challenge. We had to navigate both the narrow streets  and the crazy drivers. It was pleasant once we arrived because, like most sites we've visited, there wasn't a queue in sight. Despite it being the off-season, we basked in 15 degree, sunny weather. Perhaps the nicest day we've had so far, although Solvenia put on a great show...

Jupiter's Temple in the main square of the ruined city

Victims of Vesuvius' eruption in AD 79

3,000 people perished however  20,000 people
had evacuated before the eruption

The fresco of one of the city's baths which were
 restored after an earthquake in AD 66. A handful 
of people were bathing during the eruption in AD 79
A fresco in Nero's second wife's house

Kit in the courtyard of the house of the Faun, 
the most lavish house in Pompeii. 
You can see Vesuvius in the background 

It was such a sunny day, posing for
 photos became difficult

Someone who obviously had 
unusual decorating taste

A view of part of Pompeii 
from the necropolis
Standing mighty. Apparently security didn't 
think it was such a good idea

A typical street
Marks from centuries worth of wagon traffic 

Standing mighty #2 at the top 
of the amphitheater
Ruins of Pompeii and a view of the culprit

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looking very smart is the birthday boy - and what gorgeous birthday weather too. Roisin apparently busier behind the camera than in front of it, but good that she popped up for one sunny shot. Pompeii's still looking good 1,955 years on.