Outside the Colosseum our first night in Rome. We managed to avoid picturing the
scaffolding adorning a large section of the Colosseo.
scaffolding adorning a large section of the Colosseo.
Mother to a murdered daughter,
wife to a murdered husband –
and she will have her vengeance,
in this life or the next...
A view of the underfloor staging areas inside
Waiting for the tour, chilling on a
2000 year old column piece
During the tour, gangsta rapping,
Some men genuinely gangsta rapping with the Colosseum as a backdrop
The Roman Forum, a large area
in the heart of Rome
A view across Rome's rooftops - you can see the memorial to Rome's first
King in the distal background...
... the Altare della Patria (Altar of the Fatherland)
celebrates the first King of a unified Italy and is
controversial because it is so white
(like a wedding cake it is said - yuk!)
Spot Roisin at the front.
The Trevi Fountain - with unruly horse on the left and placid horse
on the right to represent the fickle nature of the sea. Fed by a roman aquaduct.
Rosin throwing money over her shoulder into the Trevi pool
I hope you kept your Trevi wishes secret. I reckon the giant horse statue (stand next to it and you'll see what I mean, although it's not as colossal as the Colosseum) at Altare della Patria is one of Rome's highlights. Simon
...and some went bathing in the nude
History in a Nutshell!
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